Sunday, January 17, 2010

Social Visits

Background information 1: I took an informal survey among some friends and acquaintances that consisted of the following question: What is an appropriate amount of time for someone to come visit and stay at your house? The general response I received, if my memory serves correct was somewhere around the 3 or 4 day mark. This response was regardless of how strong or weak your relationship is with the visitor.
Background information 2: A series of unfortunate events from the time of birth to moving out on my own have caused the relationship between me and my parents to be what some may call "strained". It could be called less than ideal for most folks, but in my world this distant relationship is probably as good as it's going to get.
It is imperative that you have these two pieces of background information when reading about the two social visits I suffered through in 2009. While Tsjaz was off gallivanting in Africa my dad decided to come for a visit. He thought it was good timing because Tsjaz would be away and he could spend more time with me. I thought this was terrible timing because it meant I couldn't pawn him off on Tsjaz. Not until he arrived did he mention that he was staying for 10 days. I was also in the middle of a major house project. It was great to have extra hands around to help! Not really because all he did was boss me around and storm inside like a little kid when I wouldn't put up with his domineering nature. To make it through the day I put Bailey's in my coffee in the morning and sometimes lied saying I had to go work with the dogs, but instead met my friends at the bar.
Sometime in November my mom decided to come for a visit. I never actually believe she is coming until she is actually here because of her history of lies, so when she showed up on the doorstep I was a little surprised, relieved, and I'll admit, a little excited as well. When she told me the date of her expected departure, the little excitement I had dwindled and I was filled with this awful notion that my parents are having some sick competition. She stayed for 17 days. It wasn't as terrible as my dad's 10 day visit, but I did drink too much in order to stay in a good mood. I think the worst part was that I had to work all day, then come home from work and was not able to relax because there was someone here waiting.
Both my mom and dad have inquired about what my plan is for spring break. I told them both I'm not going to be around.

1 comment:

DandC said...

Crazy. Its your Alberta fan. Hope the family does not get in your space in the future. I think one week is about enough if parents come out and about the same when I go there. Looking forward to your next blog update.